Friday, May 8, 2009

Looking up from the compost Pile

The other night when I went to dump the compost, I noticed a fresh pile from the day before. Usually we cover it with some straw but this was exposed. Upon closer inspection I saw something staring up at me and as I focused more closely I realized that they were fish heads! FISH HEADS??????????????? What the heck??????????? I screamed and ran away (quite literally).

Then in a flash I realized what that was about. Steve's dad had been here that afternoon after fishing in his favorite spot; right under the bridge where the fish fish hatchery releases the trout for the season! So after acclimating for about 10 minutes to the natural environment of the wild and scenic rivers of NJ, he skillfully snatches them up for a tastey dinner.

Well, this particular night Steve's friend John was joining him and his dad for dinner when John mentioned that fish guts are really good for the garden. So Steve's dad did me the favor of dumping them right on top of the compost, because naturally you would'nt just dump FISH HEADS directly in the garden. So off to the compost they went. No chance that they might begin to stink to high hell, or bring in varments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now, I know that Joe was just trying to help. My dad used to love to put fish in the garden as well. After a day of fluke fishing, he'd come home and filet the fish in the kitchen sink and then take all the guts and put put them in the food processor for a whirl while the rest of the family was trying to quell the gag reflex. Then he would gingerly spoon the guts onto the base of each individual tomato plant in the the garden (and cover it with some soil, of course). Later in the summer when slurping his fresh tomatoes he would reflect on how it was the fish guts that made them so tastey! Just like when the Indians showed the Pilgrims upon landing on Plymouth Rock. (remember???).

Gardeners Note.... ground up fish guts or fish heads looking up at you from the compost? I'll pass on both!

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